Nonprofit Organization

Side by Side International

Dear Friend,


We sincerely appreciate your warm understanding and cooperation shown to us.

We are very happy to announce that our organization is now officially recognized as an NPO, thanks to your support, and we would like to invite you to work with us as a supporting member (individual or organization) and/or supporting members (individual or organization). If you agree to join us, we shall be most honored to receive the following application form filled out by you via fax, e-mail or postal mail. Once again we thank you for your interest and encouragement.


Purpose for foundation: This corporate body is to do projects such as supplying food, relief, medical

equipment, and other, to people around the world suffering from poverty and disaster, to do projects

supplying food, residence and care as well as education for independence of homeless people, and to do    projects contributing to public welfare through conducting seminars for healthy growth of children.


Application Form

Please check  or ( )

     Supporting member / individual (membership fee JPY2,000 monthly  (Yearly JPY24,000) x (  ) unit(s)

     Supporting member / organization (membership fee JPY2,000 monthly  (Yearly JPY24,000) x (  ) unit(s)


I (we) herewith agree to sign up as the above membership.


Payment of membership fee:  once a year in a lump  installments in two   monthly

 I would donate


Name    @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@






Phone number@@____________________________________________________________________


Fax number      ____________________________________________________________________@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@


Name of company or organization_________________________________________________________________


          Remittance to Mizuho Bank   Setagaya branch  Ordinary account 2223876

            Name of bank account : Side-by-Side Kikin (Fund)


3-35-22-111 Miyasaka, Setagaua-ku, Tokyo 156-0051, ‚s‚d‚kE‚e‚`‚wF03-5300-3324

‚d|‚‚‚‰‚Œ@@@Web Site