Arrival of two ambulances and medical equipment (2nd, Oct, 2018)
On October 2nd, Two Japanese ambulances that were donated by Kokushikan University in Tokyo and many medical equipment arrived at UYFC(Union of Youth Federation of Cambodia) Phnom Penh center.
One of the ambulances and 15 PCs (from SBSI) will be donated to UYFC PP, and another ambulance and one incubator, one autoclave and other medical machines will be donated to Khmer Soviet Hospital. Two cataract operation machines that were donated by Tsurumi University will be donated to Phnom Penh Municipal Hospital.
This donating project is a joint project by UYFC PP, SBSI, GRAPHIS(A Japanese students’ Non-profit group), Kokushikan University, Tsurumi Univ. and Khmer Soviet Hospital, ONE(Ocean Network Express).
We also want to extend our gratitude to the Minister of Environment, Mr. Say Samal and his staff for their great cooperation.