Hold resuscitation workshop for nurse with GRAPHIS(21st, Aug, 2018)
On August 21, SBSI and the Japanese student organization GRAPHIS conducted the basic knowledge and resuscitation workshops for 100 nurse two times at the National Calumet Hospital. This was planned and prepared mainly by GRAPHIS nursing college students. We initially handed out 25 questions of basic knowledge test paper , and then instructed the resuscitation method. All the participants keenly responded to the serious attitude of the young people in Japan.
Initially, only newly introduced nurses were scheduled to participate, but not only they but also 200 nurses totally participated. After graduating from the department of nursing, I was extremely thankful for the opportunity to undergo basic knowledge and tests, as well as the opportunities to actually practice using the doll as well as the resuscitation method.
I would like to say thank you GRAPHIS for preparing us for a long time during summer vacation, Rathana Ly for cooperating in translation, Sothea Nursing Division Manager who cooperated with the guidance and Nareth Emergency Director.